• 欢迎

node-postgres 是用于与你的 PostgreSQL 数据库交互的 node.js 模块的集合。它支持回调、promise、异步/等待、连接池、准备好的语句、游标、流式结果、C/C++ 绑定、丰富的类型解析等等!就像 PostgreSQL 本身一样,它有很多功能:本文档旨在让你快速启动并朝着正确的方向前进。它还尝试为更高级和边缘情况的主题提供指南,让你可以从 node.js 充分利用 PostgreSQL 的全部功能。

¥node-postgres is a collection of node.js modules for interfacing with your PostgreSQL database. It has support for callbacks, promises, async/await, connection pooling, prepared statements, cursors, streaming results, C/C++ bindings, rich type parsing, and more! Just like PostgreSQL itself there are a lot of features: this documentation aims to get you up and running quickly and in the right direction. It also tries to provide guides for more advanced & edge-case topics allowing you to tap into the full power of PostgreSQL from node.js.



$ npm install pg



node-postgres 的持续开发和支持得益于众多 supporters

¥node-postgres continued development and support is made possible by the many supporters.

如果你或你的公司想要赞助 node-postgres,请到 GitHub 赞助商 并注册,或者如果你想要在文档中添加你的徽标或讨论更高级别的赞助,请随时到 给我发电子邮件

¥If you or your company would like to sponsor node-postgres stop by GitHub Sponsors and sign up or feel free to email me if you want to add your logo to the documentation or discuss higher tiers of sponsorship!


¥Version compatibility

node-postgres 致力于与所有最新的 LTS 版本的节点和最新的 "stable" 版本兼容。在撰写本文时,node-postgres 与 node 8.x、10.x、12.x 和 14.x 兼容。要使用 node >= 14.x,你需要安装 pg@8.2.x 或更高版本,因为 node 14 分支上的一些内部流发生了变化。放弃对旧节点 lts 版本的支持将始终被视为 node-postgres 中的重大更改,并且只会在主要版本号更改时进行,我们将尝试尽可能长时间地保持对 8.x 的支持。

¥node-postgres strives to be compatible with all recent LTS versions of node & the most recent "stable" version. At the time of this writing node-postgres is compatible with node 8.x, 10.x, 12.x and 14.x To use node >= 14.x you will need to install pg@8.2.x or later due to some internal stream changes on the node 14 branch. Dropping support for an old node lts version will always be considered a breaking change in node-postgres and will be done on major version number changes only, and we will try to keep support for 8.x for as long as reasonably possible.


¥Getting started

连接、查询和断开连接的最简单方法是使用 async/await:

¥The simplest possible way to connect, query, and disconnect is with async/await:

import pg from 'pg'
const { Client } = pg
const client = new Client()
await client.connect()
const res = await client.query('SELECT $1::text as message', ['Hello world!'])
console.log(res.rows[0].message) // Hello world!
await client.end()


¥Error Handling

为了简单起见,这些文档将假设这些方法是成功的。在实际使用中,请确保正确处理方法中抛出的错误。try/catch 块是一种很好的方法:

¥For the sake of simplicity, these docs will assume that the methods are successful. In real life use, make sure to properly handle errors thrown in the methods. A try/catch block is a great way to do so:

import pg from 'pg'
const { Client } = pg
const client = new Client()
await client.connect()
try {
   const res = await client.query('SELECT $1::text as message', ['Hello world!'])
   console.log(res.rows[0].message) // Hello world!
} catch (err) {
} finally {
   await client.end()




¥If you prefer a callback-style approach to asynchronous programming, all async methods support an optional callback parameter as well:

import pg from 'pg'
const { Client } = pg
const client = new Client()
client.connect((err) => {
   client.query('SELECT $1::text as message', ['Hello world!'], (err, res) => {
     console.log(err ? err.stack : res.rows[0].message) // Hello World!


¥Our real-world apps are almost always more complicated than that, and I urge you to read on!

Last updated on August 24, 2024