• 游标

游标可用于高效读取大型结果集,而无需提前将整个结果集加载到内存中。它对于模拟 'streaming' 样式的数据读取或从大型结果集中提早退出非常有用。游标传递给 client.query 并以与发送正常查询非常相似的方式在内部调度,但它展示的用于使用结果集的 API 是不同的。

¥A cursor can be used to efficiently read through large result sets without loading the entire result-set into memory ahead of time. It's useful to simulate a 'streaming' style read of data, or exit early from a large result set. The cursor is passed to client.query and is dispatched internally in a way very similar to how normal queries are sent, but the API it presents for consuming the result set is different.


$ npm install pg pg-cursor



new Cursor(text: String, values: Any[][, config: CursorQueryConfig])

实例化一个新的 Cursor。游标是 Submittable 的一个实例,应直接传递给 client.query 方法。

¥Instantiates a new Cursor. A cursor is an instance of Submittable and should be passed directly to the client.query method.

import pg from 'pg'
const { Pool } = pg
import Cursor from 'pg-cursor'
const pool = new Pool()
const client = await pool.connect()
const text = 'SELECT * FROM my_large_table WHERE something > $1'
const values = [10]
const cursor = client.query(new Cursor(text, values))
cursor.read(100, (err, rows) => {
  cursor.close(() => {
type CursorQueryConfig {
  // by default rows come out as a key/value pair for each row
  // pass the string 'array' here to receive rows as an array of values
  rowMode?: string;
  // custom type parsers just for this query result
  types?: Types;


cursor.read(rowCount: Number) => Promise<pg.Result>

从游标实例读取 rowCount 行。当行可用、加载到内存、解析并转换为 JavaScript 类型时,将调用回调。

¥Read rowCount rows from the cursor instance. The callback will be called when the rows are available, loaded into memory, parsed, and converted to JavaScript types.

如果游标已读到结果集的末尾,则对 cursor#read 的所有后续调用都将返回长度为 0 的行数组。在已读到末尾的游标上调用 read

¥If the cursor has read to the end of the result sets all subsequent calls to cursor#read will return a 0 length array of rows. Calling read on a cursor that has read to the end.


¥Here is an example of reading to the end of a cursor:

import pg from 'pg'
const { Pool } = pg
import Cursor from 'pg-cursor'
const pool = new Pool()
const client = await pool.connect()
const cursor = client.query(new Cursor('select * from generate_series(0, 5)'))
let rows = await cursor.read(100)
assert(rows.length == 6)
rows = await cursor.read(100)
assert(rows.length == 0)


cursor.close() => Promise<void>


¥Used to close the cursor early. If you want to stop reading from the cursor before you get all of the rows returned, call this.

Last updated on August 24, 2024